The good news is that there have been up to 4 Hummingbirds at the feeder at one time. The picture above was taken Saturday at the Hummingbird feeder off the back deck. There is at least one Ruby Throated Hummingbird feeding every few minutes. Plus, we have spotted three new (to us) birds in the yard. A Rose-breasted Grosbeak, an Indigo Bunting, and a Hairy Woodpecker.
That is about all the excitement....except for this bit of important information. Did you know that you can buy 1000 mealworms (to feed Bluebirds) on the internet for only $6.00. (They are $4.00 for 50 at the pet store.) Or better yet, you can get 100,000 for only $240. Just make sure that you grab the right container out of the refridgerator when reaching for the green beans.